
Hashtag: #codeforoakland


Kaiser Center, Theater Lobby
300 Lakeside Dr
Oakland, CA 94620

What will happen at the event?

This will be a day of talking, brainstorming, planning. Optimally, we hope to:

Discuss some of the local government data sets competition entrants might work with

Build connections between potential collaborators who want to build useful apps for local people and need to fill out their team/skills

Encourage the exchange of experiences, expertise and ideas between those involved in leading open government data initiatives around the East Bay and nearby.

Prototype ideas We hope there will be plenty of space for developers to hack on things — from refining core bits and pieces of technology to rapid prototyping of new ideas

Can I propose a session?

Yes, especially if you are the owner of, or have access to, public data sets with Oakland/East Bay relevant information. Propose your session as part of the data camp- post-send ideas to [email protected]; we will post them.

What kinds of topics will be covered?

Sessions will include things like:

  • What are datasets that can serve low-income people and local communities of
  • Finding open government data: catalogues, registries and metadata
  • Working with data: Technical aspects of opening up government data
  • Working with mobile: Mobile highlights to know

What kinds of outputs will there be?

Projected outputs include:

  • Prototypes of ideas for launching
  • Formation of teams to work on projects for competition
  • Documentation of interesting projects and ideas

Who’s behind the event?

Code for Oakland: A one day hackathon was conceived of and is being organized by a committee of Oakland-based business and organizations led by InOak(Innovate Oakland), Oakland Local, Urban Strategies Council and Code for America.  In addition, the event is being supported by these organizations who are helping to plan the event:

  • The City of Oakland
  • Code for America
  • Pandora
  • Lake Merritt / Downtown Business Association
  • Tech Liminal
  • New America Foundation

Paying sponsors include Ask.com, Pandora, Socrata, Urban Strategies Council, Lake Merrit/Uptown Association, SWIGO,  Code for America, Tumis, The City of Oakland, OpenShift, The Oakland Tribune, Neighborland and the Kapor Foundation.

Can I be a sponsor of the event?

Yes please! We are still seeking sponsorship for awards for projects, lunches, coffee, and so on. If you think you might be interested, please contact Susan Mernit at susan at oaklandlocal .com for info on sponsorship needs and levels. Contributions are tax-deductible. Our 2012 fiscal sponsor is Urban Strategies Council, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.